Rossdale Farm – I grew up on a mixed farm; beef and grain. I grew up riding on the open air swather asking my dad if he ever got bored riding over the same land, multiple times a year, year after year. His response surprised me.
How could I ever be bored Kim? Look – they just turned on the jets at the golf course. Look, a family of deer was laying over there. Look at that hawk diving for it’s lunch. The leaves have their backs to the wind again. I looked around, felt the hot prairie winds in my hair as we inched across that field. It was the field that is right beside my garden so it shares the same view that I have come to know like the back of my hand.
He was right. How can you ever be bored watching the land your family has farmed for more than 100 years?
Farming means you get to watch plants grow. It means you get to watch the land shift and change over time. It can be stressful. It can be physically demanding but there is nothing else I’d rather do.
Look at all this bounty and beauty!